Overcoming Difficulties in Life

From the moment we are born on this earth we go through many experiences in life, some are wonderful and inspiring and some are destructive and hurtful. Both of these types of experiences seek to hold sway over our future, they seek to imprint upon our self-image and influence us either for good or for evil. Thankfully we have the choice of which experiences we allow to influence our lives by the exercise of our own free will. Our free will is the steering wheel of our life, with it we choose our direction and ultimately our future.

Steering Wheel

So many of the really influential people of history have had to overcome great difficulties on the pathway to prominence and success. But why is it that some people have the ability to rise above seemingly insurmountable obstacles in life while so many others crumble before them? What is the point of difference that they possess that propels them to rise above every challenge life throws at them? If we could understand those things that made these prominent people strong then perhaps we too could achieve greatness in life.

Our free will is the steering wheel of our life, with it we choose our direction and ultimately our future.

Abraham Lincoln’s life seemed plagued by adversity, he faced constant failures in his personal, business and political life and could have allowed any of these to stop him and chosen to sit down in defeat. Whether it was multiple election losses, the death of his wife, financial bankruptcy or a nervous breakdown Lincoln had many opportunities to give up. Instead he allowed the adversity he faced in life to develop a resilience and strength that saw him become arguably Americas greatest president.

Winston Churchill faced many challenges in his public life. In particular it was his position of ‘First Lord of the Admiralty’ during the disastrous Gallipoli campaign in the First World War which caused his departure from the British government. After a time in the political wilderness Winston Churchill was to return to public office, and eventually achieve the position of ‘Prime Minister of England’ in the early days of the Second World War. His steadfast refusal to consider surrender to the Nazi Regime that was conquering all of Europe inspired the world, and his famous words “Never Give Up, Never Surrender” steeled the backbone of his people to victory!

Men like Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln have shown through their lives that great deeds are often birthed through a life of great challenges. Although it may sound like a cliché many of those obstacles we face today are really ‘a blessing in disguise’. Within us as men there lies a strength of character that for many remains untapped. Adversity develops resilience in the heart of man, and resilience brings hope. When we look back over our own life and see the things that we have already been through as a man and realise that we are still standing, then we begin to grasp that perhaps we really are made of tougher stuff than we originally thought.

Men like Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln have shown through their lives that great deeds are often birthed through a life of great challenges

Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill both had to make difficult choices, when giving up or giving in may have seemed the easier road to take in life. But by exercising their free will of choice, they set themselves on the pathway to greatness and in doing so served the people of their generation. The greatness that beckons to you as a man can not be determined by the obstacles you will face, but by the decisions you make when you face those obstacles.

Warm Regards

John Nolan



A Life Of Honour

I think one of the most beneficial ways for us as men to improve the way we feel about ourselves is to live a life of honour. The word ‘honour’ is rarely used in modern speech and understood even less in our society. To live a life of honour we as men must live by a code or belief in something greater than ourselves, something worth living for or even dying for.

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Living a life of honour means living a life of integrity and being a man of your word even in the face of adversity. Standing up for those values you believe in doesn’t always make you a lot of friends immediately, but what it does earn you is respect. When other men look at you they may not fully understand why you live this way, but deep inside themselves they often wish they had the strength and belief to live like you do. Being a man of honour goes a long way toward developing a healthy self-respect, and often adds meaning and a sense of fulfillment to our lives.

To live a life of honour we as men must live by a code or belief in something greater than ourselves, something worth living for or even dying for

In the books of ancient times we see the knights in shining armour fighting off the dragon and saving the fair maiden in distress and we think that’s heroic. We see Sir Walter Raleigh throwing down his cloak so that Queen Elizabeth 1 didn’t have to get her shoes dirty while crossing over a puddle of water, and we think that’s chivalrous. We see the Christians of the early church worshipping God in song as they were preparing to be martyred by being fed to the lions in the Roman Colosseum, and we think that’s real faith.

Standing up for those values you believe in doesn’t always make you a lot of friends immediately, but what it does earn you is respect

As men we have an inherent desire to be a protector and defender of those weaker than ourselves, and it is often this compulsion that causes us to perform great acts of bravery. This desire stems from a deep place within ourselves where our core values exist, and reveals the true way that we see our world and how we believe the world should be. Living by these core values whether it be through acts of heroism, acts of chivalry or demonstrations of incredible faith, enables us as men to live a life of honour.

Living a life of honour can be something as little as standing up in a bus and giving your seat to a woman, or taking back the excess money to the store owner when you were under-charged for a purchase. Living a life of honour may mean telling the truth even though you know that you will suffer for it. Living a life of honour may mean defending someone who is being bullied or rescuing a child’s cat that is stuck up a tree.

As men we have an inherent desire to be a protector and defender of those weaker than ourselves, and it is often this compulsion that causes us to perform great acts of bravery

Honour is that indefinable something that rises up within a man when they see injustice in the world, and know that it is up to them to change it. Men of honour lead the way in the world, they shine as lights in a dark place and illuminate the path we are all called to walk upon. They are men that are known in their region as someone who can be trusted, and when the going gets tough they are the one everyone turns to for help or advice. We all have the opportunity to influence our world for the better and that opportunity begins with living a life of honour.

Warm Regards




Planning For Each New Day

We are all given a certain amount of time on this earth to live and to make a difference in our sphere of influence. How well we manage the time given to us often determines whether our life has a positive or negative influence on those we meet along our journey. Like drivers on a busy motorway during the peak hour rush we can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.

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Considerate drivers enter into the traffic stream  with a calm mind and a peaceful disposition, they understand and accept that during the daily commute to work there are sometimes delays, and they take this in their stride without becoming upset. When an opportunity to help another driver get ahead in the traffic line arises they are friendly and wave them through, realising that the way we treat each other along life’s journey is far more important than competing with others to get there first!

Preparation relieves stress and helps us to face each new day without the issue of ever-growing burdens weighing down on our shoulders.

The road rage driver has usually woken up late after forgetting to set their alarm clock, they run around madly trying to get dressed and have breakfast before they leave for work. They rush out the door and trip over the family dog, spilling much of the lifesaving coffee they are carrying. They then have to run back inside for a quick change of shirt and tie and finally jump into the car, only to realize that the petrol tank is nearly empty.

Consequently they are involved in a mad drive through the suburban streets to the local petrol station, where they perform a pit stop that would make even the professionals envious! The dash to work has now become a Formula 1 race to beat the clock, and every other driver a competitor to defeat. All they can think of are deadlines and angry bosses and this compels them to press down heavier upon the accelerator as they enter the traffic flow.

When an opportunity to help another driver get ahead in the traffic line arises they are friendly and wave them through, realising that the way we treat each other along life’s journey is far more important than competing with others to get there first!

The road rage driver and the considerate driver both have the same amount of hours each day to live, so a lack of time is not the real problem here. Often a major contributing factor in the life of the road rage driver is actually a failure to prepare adequately for the new day beforehand. Preparation relieves stress and helps us to face each new day without the issue of ever-growing burdens weighing down upon our shoulders.

Remembering to fill the car with petrol on the way home and ensuring that you rise early enough to have a good breakfast and enjoy the company of your family before embarking on each day brings the peace of fulfillment and perspective. After all, providing for our family is the real reason that we spend so many hours each week working to make a living. No one in life plans to fail, but many people fail to plan. Having a daily plan or routine takes much of the stress out of life and enables us as fathers to enjoy the life we have been given and the family we have been blessed with.

Warm Regards





The Benefits Of Fidelity

We live in a world that has forgotten its foundations, and neglected those very things that could make it strong again. Many children are growing up today without really knowing their own father and some have never even met him. Is it any wonder that todays children struggle with a sense of identity and belonging, when the most important part of who they are and where they come from has been denied them. Now there are many reasons why couples break up and I’m not here to apportion blame, but to turn our focus toward the real victims of this catastrophe, the children.

Kids playing outdoors

The word ‘Fidelity’ is rarely used these days, but it has a depth of meaning that can empower your family with strength and endurance. ‘Fidelity’ means faithfulness to a person, cause or belief , demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. The word ‘Fidelity’ also comes with the added sense that it is an act of honour and therefore to those who understand ‘honour’ it has a built-in power to bring about its own fulfillment by steeling our willpower with courage and self-sacrifice.

Is it any wonder that todays children struggle with a sense of identity and belonging, when the most important part of who they are and where they come from has been denied them

Consider if you will a world where a man and a woman fall in love and stay together all the days of their lives. They get married and have children and together they form a new family that loves and cherishes every member of that family, and refuses to allow that family to be divided or broken. This couple and this family are the strongest members of our society, and these are the reasons why:

  • This couple has understood the value of true commitment to each other and will not allow anything to come between them
  • They have both realised that although there will always be challenges in married life, that what they have is worth fighting for and ‘the grass in not greener on the other side of the hill’
  • They realise that when they got married they chose to lay down their own selfish desires and serve their spouse until they were parted by death
  • They have become parents now and that life changing act has come with a great responsibility, a responsibility that they don’t take lightly
  • They realise that each of their actions have far-reaching results and they consider wisely before making rash decisions
  • They realise that little eyes are watching them for clues and understanding of how to live life, and that if they set a bad example it will impact upon their own child’s future
  • They understand that one of the greatest things a parent can give his child is ‘stability’, and that this vital ingredient is required if a strong future is to be built
  • They understand that the strength of their relationship to their spouse is the foundation of the home they trying to build and will forever benefit or hinder their whole family

‘Fidelity’ means faithfulness to a person, cause or belief , demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support

So much of what we do or fail to do as parents will impact the lives of our children. Without doubt it is the parents who have both the greatest power and responsibility to shape the future of their child. Children prosper in a loving family environment where both parents are present and fully involved in the parenting process, and our faithfulness to our spouse enables us to build upon a firm foundation and grow the family we always wanted.

Warm Regards



