Clearing Out The Vault

In human life we go through many experiences, some are wonderfully encouraging while others can be decidedly negative. Throughout our lifetime these experiences are deposited into a vault or repository of the soul that is filled with personal memories and accompanied by many of the emotions we felt through those incidents. We draw from this storehouse of memories and emotions in our everyday interactions with others and to a certain extent they make up who we are and what we believe about ourselves and the world in general. Thankfully it is possible to selectively choose much of what goes into this vault and thereby build up a stronghold of positive memories and emotions from which to draw upon in life.


It is empowering to realise that what we allow to be placed in the vault is what comes out of the vault. Someone somewhere coined the phrase GIGO Good In, Good Out or alternately Garbage In, Garbage Out. It is therefore incredibly important to place a mental guard over the door to and screen everything that is seeking entrance into our soul.

If we could place all our positive and negative memories and emotions on a scale/weighing balance I wonder in which direction they would tip? Would all the positive experiences of our life tip the balance toward the good or have the negative experiences we have faced forced the balance down toward the bad side? Unfortunately in many instances it is the memory of the bad experiences we have faced that seem to take precedence in our hearts and weigh us down mentally and emotionally.


How wonderful it would be if we could go into the vault and clean out the bad experiences and their effects upon us. If only we could get a fresh start and begin to replace them with experiences and emotions that would only benefit our lives. What a relief it would be if we could get out from under the weight of our disappointments, our failures or shame or our grief and fears, and walk free from those memories that have held us prisoner for so long. Well the good news is that to a large extent you can!

The answer however is not merely mental or emotional but based in an area that overrides and actually governs these aspects of life. The area I speak of is the spiritual aspect of our humanity, and it is within this area that we will find the freedom we long for. It is freedom that is not found by hiding away in a cave and chanting mantras, or by finding some celestial plain of peace through meditation for each of these pursuits are still based in human endeavor and therefore ultimately destined for failure.

The answer is found in a personal relationship with our Creator and with His Son, Jesus Christ. Only the One who made us truly knows how to fix us when we are broken. To some extent every negative experience we have gone through in life has brought a degree of broken-ness or emotional damage into our lives. To be set free from our past we need to have our hearts transformed and renewed by allowing God our Creator to also become God our Saviour.

John 3:3  Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Being born again involves allowing God our Creator to be the Ruler and Saviour of your life, and is accessed by believing in the resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus rose from the dead having conquered even ‘death’ itself and offers a new life to all who believe in and are willing to follow Him. When we are born again God’s Holy Spirit enters our lives and takes away the power or hold that those negative experiences had upon our lives. Jesus willing sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our sins and our shame, and by believing in Him we receive God’s forgiveness. The new life that begins is the most wonderful adventure, an adventure that is filled with life changing experiences and the blessing of enjoying eternity in Heaven with Him.

Developing a relationship with Jesus Christ is done through daily prayer and study of His Word as written in The Bible. Through the Bible we begin to understand what life was truly meant to be and still can be within the blessing of living in God’s will for our lives. Bit by bit, day by day we begin to restock the repository of our life and are enabled then to live out of the new experiences and beliefs that come through knowing Jesus Christ.

Warm Regards



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Lessons From Ninevah

Throughout history we see the rise and fall of many great civilisations. There often seems to be a time of preparation for a particular race or culture where they learn many new things, and it is from these lessons learnt that they are enabled to rise into a position of prominence. Ultimately each of these historical super powers then fell into decay as they forgot the lessons previously learnt and focussed more upon merely enjoying the prosperity they had achieved. Usually what followed was a rapid decline in that culture as they were overcome by the next great civilisation to rise. Each of the great civilisations had its moment in the sun, a time apportioned by God above until their time came to an end.


Ninevah was known as the greatest city in the Assyrian Empire and positioned along important trade routes in the middle east. The City Of Ninevah was located very close to the current city of Mosul in Iraq. It had risen to prominence partly through the emergence of the military superiority of the Assyrians at the time, a superiority that was both swift and brutal.

God stands outside of time, eternal and all-knowing, and it seems He often institutes the mechanisms that bring about change in the world of man and specifically the rise and fall of nations. He raises up one civilisation and then judges it if it falls into ethical/moral decline or depravity, this is often preempted by the sending forth of warnings by the mouth of His prophets. Jonah was such a man, called as a prophet and sent specifically to Ninevah by God with a word of Judgement.

Jonah the prophet is best known for the miracle of being swallowed by a great fish that God had prepared for the occasion. Jonah had disobeyed God and fled from the directive to go to Ninevah and preach God’s word. There was however an even greater miracle in the book of Jonah than that of the great fish and it was revealed within the city of Ninevah.

God stands outside of time, eternal and all-knowing, and it seems He often institutes the mechanisms that bring about change in the world of man and specifically the rise and fall of nations.

Ninevah had fallen into the corruption that often comes with being the dominant super power of its day, it was a corruption so great that God could not allow it to continue. Jonah the prophet was dispatched with a word from God that would usher in Ninevah’s destruction.

Jonah 3:4  And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”

The impact that Jonah’s words had upon the population of Ninevah was wide-spread and profound. I was wondering how the city I live in would react if a prophet showed up and said the same thing today? Would we listen and act upon the words spoken or would we merely react and call him a lunatic or a religious bigot? It is important to understand that God sends His prophets forth to give people a chance to change before His judgement falls upon them.

Jonah 3:5  So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.

This response from the population of Ninevah was nothing short of miraculous and reveals a number of things to us, things that we could learn from as a modern society:

  1. The people of Ninevah knew that they were sinners before God and that their lifestyle was not acceptable in the sight of heaven and deserving of the judgement that was about to engulf them.
  2. The people of Ninevah knew that it would take a profound change in their hearts and actions if they were to avoid this judgement.
  3. The people of Ninevah took it so seriously that the whole city began to fast before God and cry out mightily for His mercy and forgiveness.

Even the King of Ninevah got off his throne, laid aside his kingly robes and sat in sackcloth and ashes before God in response to God’s word from the mouth of Jonah. He decreed that everything within the city must fast from food and water and cry out to God for mercy.

Jonah 3:8  But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God; yes, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.

The King Of Ninevah knew that their lifestyles were evil before God and that only total commitment to the cause of averting God’s wrath had any chance of success. He knew that they had to change their hearts and actions immediately if they were to be noticed by heaven and granted a reprieve from their sentence of judgement.

Jonah 3:10  Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.

Here we see what is the most profound lesson we can learn as people who live in the sight of heaven everyday. God loves people enough to send His prophets to warn them about their lives and actions in the hope that they might turn away from their sins and back toward Him and enable Him to show them His mercy and forgiveness.

The judgement that was due to Ninevah was averted that day and the whole city was spared because it’s entire population responded by believing God’s word and changing their lives accordingly before heaven. Ninevah’s response shows that there is always hope to avert God’s judgement if we take His word seriously and change our hearts and lives.

Warm Regards



Meant For More

There are times especially when we are young and still forming many of the beliefs that we will carry throughout our lives, that we may experience sensations or impressions of what our life could be. I believe that God speaks to us all at times in our life and it is how we respond to Him when He speaks that either opens up the door for more interaction or closes it. We have the gift of a free will either to choose our own way in life or to choose to honour and follow God’s choices and path for our life. Our lives are meant for more than just what we can achieve here on earth, there is an eternal purpose that calls us all to greatness.


One of the things that motivates me in the building of Dadsuni is the tremendous potential that lies within each and every human being. Within each precious life there is the possibility of great acts of kindness or terrible acts of depravity and often those choices are in some way influenced by a loving family or the lack of it. So many children these days are being brought up without the hope and joy that comes through a life within a loving family, where they experience acceptance and encouragement.

When children grow up without the influence of a loving and caring family they are often left with the belief that the world is a hard place where its ‘every man for himself‘. This basic core belief often inspires a life of selfish pursuits devoid of compassion toward our fellow-man. Although these individuals are often single-minded and focussed toward their goals of getting everything they can out of life they miss out on many of the very things that will give them lasting satisfaction.

Matthew 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Many men get caught up with ‘gaining the whole world’ and neglect the all important area of the state of their own soul. A life that is not lived for God and for others is ultimately a wasted life, and a waste that many will have all eternity to regret. There is nothing we can do once our life is ended to put things right with God, there is no fine we can pay or riches we can exchange to avert the judgement that comes from a life that has rejected God’s will and ways.

Mark 12:30-31 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Many of those who are now honoured as ‘rich men’ on the earth will be revealed as ‘spiritual bankrupts’ on Judgement Day when we all stand before God and give an account of our lives. Those who have focussed solely upon themselves and natural pursuits have missed out on the greatness that only comes through a life that is yielded to God’s purposes and calling. The call of God brings a greatness that will last for all eternity where we will live in the light of His great love and mercy and have the appreciation of many of those whom we have helped to find life in Christ.

A life that is not lived for God and for others is ultimately a wasted life, and a waste that many will have all eternity to regret

If you are reading this there is still time for you to make the changes you need to avoid your life being totally wasted on things that are passing away and to refocus upon things that are eternal. The best way to find God’s mercy is to humble yourself before Him and seek Him with all your heart, asking for His forgiveness and believing in His Son Jesus Christ. You were meant to live a life that has eternal value, a big life, a great life, a life worth living, you were meant for more!

Warm Regards



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The Changing Roles Of Manhood

Most living things that grow start off in a seed form, usually in a smaller and less developed form than that which it will mature into. From the moment of conception we begin a process of transformation that continues throughout our entire life as we mature physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Throughout this process we as men also take on a series of ever-changing roles, it is sometimes described as having to wear many different hats as we continue upon our life’s journey. What follows is a list identifying 10 of the major roles of manhood and what we learn through them.


The Role Of Son

We all start off wearing the hat of being a son. It is in this role that we begin to learn about the importance of respect and responsibility as we gain an understanding of the role that our father plays within the family. Father-son relationships ultimately create the next generation of father-son relationships, it is therefore an important time of learning in the life of every son.

The Role Of Friend

Throughout life we often make many friendships and understanding what being a friend entails is important if we are to ultimately maintain those relationships long-term. It is as we wear the hat of being a friend that we learn many lessons about loyalty.

The Role Of Boyfriend

When we finally make the connection with the girl who will become our future wife we begin to learn many new life lessons. Some of the more important lessons we learn as we wear the hat of being a boyfriend are about emotional sensitivity and treating our girlfriend with the honour she deserves as our future wife. We also begin to realise that for a relationship to truly work we must continue to work on ourselves as a man in the area of selflessness.

The Role Of Husband

After we are married our opportunity and the need to change ourselves is magnified, as we begin the life-long process of becoming one married couple rather than two single individuals. It is within the blessed sanctity of marriage as we wear the hat of being a husband that we learn much about the character trait of faithfulness.  It is in this role especially that we need to learn how to lay down our own desires and understand the importance of living a life of service. As head of the home we have much to learn if we are to become effective in our leadership role.

The Role Of Provider

Traditionally most men wear the hat of being the principal provider for the marriage although in more recent times this is no longer universally accepted. Wisdom and practicality should be used as the couple assess each individual’s earning capacity and choose what is right for their situation. It is often advantageous for both of them to work to help them become financially secure as a couple, especially in the early stages of marriage, before the arrival of any children.

The Role Of Father

Certainly wearing the hat of being a father is one of the most challenging but also most fulfilling aspects of a mans life. From the moment our child is born we will carry the responsibilities of fatherhood, as we lay down our own life for our family. It is in this role that we must attempt to master being an example to our children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and although none of us do it perfectly we should strive toward this goal. It is as a father that we learn about the incredible power of encouragement in the life of a child, and that our words can either hurt or heal. We also learn the value of consistency in discipline and our need for discernment in our relationship with our children and their peer groups. As a father one of our most primary roles is that of protector of the family and especially the well-being of our children.

The Role Of Coach

As our children grow we often have opportunities to wear the hat of being a coach to them and to pass on the skills and experience that we have learnt in a particular sport or hobby. There is a great deal of satisfaction in watching your child pick up a skill you have taught them and reproduce it well on the playing field. Our role of encouraging them as a coach in their life often has a major influence in assisting the development of a long-term bond between you, that you can enjoy for years to come.

The Role Of Guide and Counsellor

As we watch our children grow and stand with them through the many challenges that they will face we are able to offer both guidance and counsel to help them navigate through life’s obstacles. As we wear the hat of being a guide to our child we are able to offer understanding and direction in specific situations to assist them. It is as we wear the hat of being a counsellor that we are able to assist their self-development into maturity. By not doing everything for them and sometimes allowing them to learn from their own mistakes along the way they learn to use reason to understand the consequences of their actions.

The Role Of Mentor

Later in life when our children have grown up and we have already achieved credibility as a guide and counsellor, we can begin to wear the hat of being a mentor. As an adult they should now be making their own decisions, but when they are facing things beyond their knowledge and experience they can still come to you for advice on important matters. The role of a mentor is that of a person with credibility, experience and wisdom that can assist another person through a respectful relationship as peers. It is because of the natural evolution of the relationship over time that the father/mentor is no longer seen as an authority figure in their life that needs to be obeyed, but rather a friend to be looked to in times of need.

It is helpful to realise that as men we continue to grow into the roles of manhood along the way even as our children also grow. Although we may not be ready with all the answers for our children when they are born, we can confidently expect that our wisdom and understanding will grow through life’s experiences and we will be able to be there for them in their times of need.

Warm Regards



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