Meant For More

There are times especially when we are young and still forming many of the beliefs that we will carry throughout our lives, that we may experience sensations or impressions of what our life could be. I believe that God speaks to us all at times in our life and it is how we respond to Him when He speaks that either opens up the door for more interaction or closes it. We have the gift of a free will either to choose our own way in life or to choose to honour and follow God’s choices and path for our life. Our lives are meant for more than just what we can achieve here on earth, there is an eternal purpose that calls us all to greatness.


One of the things that motivates me in the building of Dadsuni is the tremendous potential that lies within each and every human being. Within each precious life there is the possibility of great acts of kindness or terrible acts of depravity and often those choices are in some way influenced by a loving family or the lack of it. So many children these days are being brought up without the hope and joy that comes through a life within a loving family, where they experience acceptance and encouragement.

When children grow up without the influence of a loving and caring family they are often left with the belief that the world is a hard place where its ‘every man for himself‘. This basic core belief often inspires a life of selfish pursuits devoid of compassion toward our fellow-man. Although these individuals are often single-minded and focussed toward their goals of getting everything they can out of life they miss out on many of the very things that will give them lasting satisfaction.

Matthew 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Many men get caught up with ‘gaining the whole world’ and neglect the all important area of the state of their own soul. A life that is not lived for God and for others is ultimately a wasted life, and a waste that many will have all eternity to regret. There is nothing we can do once our life is ended to put things right with God, there is no fine we can pay or riches we can exchange to avert the judgement that comes from a life that has rejected God’s will and ways.

Mark 12:30-31 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Many of those who are now honoured as ‘rich men’ on the earth will be revealed as ‘spiritual bankrupts’ on Judgement Day when we all stand before God and give an account of our lives. Those who have focussed solely upon themselves and natural pursuits have missed out on the greatness that only comes through a life that is yielded to God’s purposes and calling. The call of God brings a greatness that will last for all eternity where we will live in the light of His great love and mercy and have the appreciation of many of those whom we have helped to find life in Christ.

A life that is not lived for God and for others is ultimately a wasted life, and a waste that many will have all eternity to regret

If you are reading this there is still time for you to make the changes you need to avoid your life being totally wasted on things that are passing away and to refocus upon things that are eternal. The best way to find God’s mercy is to humble yourself before Him and seek Him with all your heart, asking for His forgiveness and believing in His Son Jesus Christ. You were meant to live a life that has eternal value, a big life, a great life, a life worth living, you were meant for more!

Warm Regards



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